Tag Archives: Debt

Obama Team Admits They Don’t Have a Plan to Handle Long Term Debt

17 Feb


From the Washington Examiner:

President Obama spent much of last year pretending that he had a plan to tackle the nation’s long-term debt crisis. He never released an actual plan, but he gave a bunch of speeches pretending that he had. And Obama pushed the idea that he was privately ready to cut a “grand bargain” on the debt were he not thwarted by intransigent Republicans. This was a narrative dutifully reported by the media, despite the lack of any formal plan. Now, the pretending is over.

On Monday, Obama unveiled a budget that added to the debt while using a series of budget gimmicks to claim deficit reduction. And today, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner conceded that the administration didn’t even attempt to do anything about the nation’s long-term debt problem.



“The Path to Prosperity: America’s Two Futures, Visualized”

5 Apr

It is nice to see that someone is serious about addressing out debt problem. Obama surely has no intentions of dealing with it.  To Obama and his fellow Democrats, nothing is more important than social, economic and environmental justice.  If it means spending our nation into a debt that will crush us in the future, so be it.

I can’t wait to see the Democrats demagogue this to death.


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